Here's a timeline of a large chunk of my projects. For each project the lighter and darker shades represent the time when a project is being developed in private, and the time when a project has been released (and is maintained), respectively.
Note: per-project descriptions are not being displayed. Turn your device to landscape mode to fix this.
a GSoC project that makes strides in improving NetBSD's Linux emulation feature.
This Website (meta eh?)
how this website is generated.
a rogue-like video game written in Java.
a toy esoteric programming language.
a plugin that integrates the Fossil SCM with Jetbrains' set of IDEs.
a programming language to help simultaneously generate a resume and CV.
a course project which analyzes the relationship between stock prices and the COVID-19 pandemic.
a program to help easily test other programs.
the scripts that helped us get second place in CyberTitan IV (a national cybersecurity competition).
a high school satirical newspaper. I created and maintained its website.
a distributed book-indexing program.
the high school computer programming club, were I maintained an online judge and then later led.
a bot that allows you to query Wolfram|Alpha directly from within Discord.
an educational video game designed to help teenagers with time management.
a portfolio website for a computer science course. Also, an ancestor to this website.
a mOcKiNgCaSe library for Ruby.
a collection of calculator programs.
…and, of course, there's stuff before 2017 (dating back all the way to summer 2013!), but I'm not in the mood to dig it up (let alone publish it).